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Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 211(July 2023), pp. 1-30

Economics & Philosophy, 40(2), pp. 374-396

Journal of the European Economic Association, 21(5), pp. 2209-2236

“Risk in Time : The intertwined Nature of Risk Taking and Time Discounting“
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2024, Pages 310–354

“Designing development interventions: The application of service design and discrete choice experiments in complex settings”
World Development, Volume 158, October 2022, 105998

“What is Partial Ambiguity?”
Economics & Philosophy, 38(2), pp. 206-220

“Parenting values and the intergenerational transmission of time preference”,
European Economics Review, Volume 148, September 2022, 104208

“Preferences Predict Who Commits Crime Among Young Men”,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 119(6), pp. 1-7

“Self-protection with random costs”,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 98, pp. 63-37

“Nudging Student Participation in Online Evaluations of Teaching: Evidence from a Field Experiment”,
European Economics Review, 141(104001)

“Risk, ambiguity, and the value of diversification”,
Management Science, 67(11), pp. 6934-6945

“Rational policymaking during a pandemic“,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,

“Social and strategic ambiguity versus betrayal aversion”
Games and Economic Behavior, 123(123), pp. 272-287

“Are policymakers ambiguity averse?”
The Economic Journal, vol. 130, pp. 331-355

“Voluntary Pooling of Genetic Risk: A Health Insurance Experiment“,
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 180(1), pp. 864-882

“Welfare as equity equivalents“,
Journal of Economic Surveys, 34 (4), 727-752

“The transition of Belgium towards a low carbon society: A macroeconomic analysis fed by a participative approach“,
Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 29, May 2020, 100463

“Characterizing ambiguity attitudes using model uncertainty“,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 180(1), pp. 621-637

“Risk aversion and the value of diagnostic tests“,
Theory and Decision, (89), pp. 137-149

“Model uncertainty in climate change economics: A review and proposed framework for future research“,
Environmental and Resource Economics, 77(3), pp. 475-501

“Risk, ambiguity, and the value of diversification“,
Management Science, vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 1639-1647
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Nature, vol. 554, pp. 229-233

“Self-insurance with genetic testing tools“,
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“Average Willingness to Pay for Disease Prevention with Personalized Health Information”
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Nature Climate Change, vol. 7, pp. 185-189

“Risk Preferences Are Not Time Preferences: Balancing on a Budget Line: Comment“,
American Economic Review, 105(7), pp.2261-2271

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Annual Review of Economics, 4, pp.567-593

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Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 43(3), pp.169-203

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Econometrica, 78(4), pp.1375-1412

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